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Domanique Moore 337242
Stafford Creek Corrections Center
191 Constantine Way
Aberdeen, Washington 98520

First impressions matter. Making sure mine, out of all the others available, is the one that matters most isn't something I'm shy about speaking out loud.

My name is Domanique, and I can assure you that it isn't just the spelling of my name that's unique about me. I'm a creative writer who finds piece of mind in my craft, which is music. I'm an information sponge who aspires to one day run a multi faceted corporation that caters to providing disadvantaged youth with the resources and guidance needed to display, distribute, showcase and protect their art. Everyday is one step closer to that dream becoming a reality.

I'm interested in making organic connections and friendships. Being someone who's always had limitations spoken over my head, I choose to think positive vibes and speak positive vibes into existence. Kind hearted, ambitious women with sense of humors that are unafraid to show compassion are welcome in my world. Securustech.net provides the most modern, direct platform to communicate on. With many features that make getting to know one another more comfortable, I encourage you to tap in. I'm an open book with a story unlike any you've ever heard or read.

Date of birth: 6/16/1991
Height: 6’6”     
Education: College         
Occupation before prison: Man of the house    
Earliest release date: 6/24/2028     
Maximum release date: 12/24/2042  
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women     
(Question does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes   
If yes which email service? Via securustech.net       
Can you respond to email? Yes, best option
Activities in prison: Rehabilitating my frequency, staying fit, enjoying my blessings  
Anything Else? 

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