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Brandon Johnson A699043
Chillicothe Correctional Institution
15802 Ohio 104
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601

Greetings, my name Brandon Johnson and I come from Cincinnati, Ohio December 5, 1988. I was born to a wonderful mother and into a beautiful world. It started off happily and begin turning for the worst at a young age. I witness and experience things NO child should have to endure, which gradually lead me seeking attention and acceptance from the same streets that made my mother turn to drugs. No father around to shed light to my path, I traveled down a road of crime trying to survive the best I could.

Despite my upbringing and shortcomings, I've manage to allow my story to build me for the better. However, unfortunately I had to learn the hard way through out the process by getting lock up for 12 years (less than 17 months left). With a baby boy who was born a week after getting incarcerated, I have more than just me to wanna strive for much more than a prison cell.

My hobbies are reading, helping to add value to others, working out, music/poetry, and working towards my vision. My religion is team Jesus. Try to stay faithful! I enjoy watching sports, comedy, and something with substance. I'm very much peaceful and will like to connect on a level that ain't forced. Seeking genuine friendship in this cold world. Have a blessed one.

Date of Birth: 12-5-88
Height: 5'11"
Education: GED
Occupation before prison: Businessman
Earliest release date: 17 months
Maximum release date: 6-8-2025
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GTL Getting out app
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Working and reading
Anything else:

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