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Barry Dodd 187390
MCF - Red Wing
1079 Hwy 292
Red Wing, Minnesota 55066

Seeking friendship with a special woman who is caring and kind. I enjoy reading, learning and staying fit. I am a man of deep faith, focused on building healthy and restorative relationships with all those around me. Love my family and friends, goal-oriented, caring and compassionate.
I love dogs! Served as a rescue dog handler for two years, one of the best experiences of my life. We saved the lives of dozens of dogs that would have been euthanized without our help. Learned about transitioning through house breaking, adolescence, daily care, health problems, feeding, grooming, training, first commands and beginner hand signals. The love I received from these animals was transforming. They did not care what color of skin I had, who I voted for or where I lived. All they cared about was our bond and relationship, nothing else mattered.
Had an opportunity to be part of a life changing movement called Restorative Justice. RJ is a process involving the primary stakeholders in determining how best to repair the harm done by an offense. The three primary stakeholders in RJ are victims, offenders and their communities of care, whose needs are, respectively, getting reparation, taking responsibility and achieving reconciliation. These principles have instilled respect, responsibility and the importance of relationships. Very grateful to practice these values in my everyday life to grow and develop as a person on my journey of healing and redemption.
Licensed with the MN Dept. of Labor and Industry as a Master Electrician. Enjoy problem solving and finding solutions. Blessed to have these skills to help the community build safe and secure electrical systems.
I currently work on an STS crew where we serve the local community doing lawn care, snow removal, construction, tree removal, etc. We do whatever is needed to help keep the community safe and clean. Love helping others, very thankful for all I’ve been given.
I look forward to building a friendship with you and experiencing all that life has to offer.

All my best,


Date of Birth: 10/11/1971
Height: 5'7"
Education: MBA
Occupation before prison: Construction
Earliest release date: 6/2025
Maximum release date: Life
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Exercise, re-entry mentor, reading, running, movies, relaxing
Anything else:
Love the outdoors, big fantasy football fan and life long learner

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