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Erica Thorn 02063539x
Patrick L. O'Daniel Unit
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400

I'm working on my 8th year in a Texas prison. One thing about prison is that it can make you feel incredibly lonely and for some women like me, silent. I long for a friend or companion I can have a conversation with. I want to be able to pick up the phone, dial a number and have someone actually answer. I would settle for just being able to hear my name at mail call. I want to break this silence and loneliness and have something to look forward to each day. I want to make a true friend and it could quite possibly be you.

A couple of little tidbits about me is that I am an avid reader who loves beautiful winter days. There is so much more I would love to share with you but if you want to find out what that is, you're going to have to write to me. You can send a handwritten letter to me at the address listed above. If you prefer, you can email me as well. Make an account on securustech.net and add me as a contact. Just try to include a reply stamp with your emessage. I very much look forward to meeting you.

Date of Birth: 1/4/1983
Height: 5'2"
Education: Some college
Occupation before prison:
Earliest Release Date: 7/16/2025
Maximum Release Date: 7/17/2035
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service? securustech.net
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, writing, and drawing
Anything Else?

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