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Awburn Haygood 02365351
Coleman Unit
PO Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400

My name is Awburn and I was born on the beautiful island of Galveston, Texas. My sign is Aquarius. I believe in positive energy, life is too short to be in a dark place. I make the best out of every situation. I'm an adventurous person who would love to travel the world with just a knapsack on my back. My taste in music is eclectic.

I'm looking for a life long friendship. If you are interested, please feel free to write and don't be hesitant about what to say, I'm an open book. If you respond with J-pay please include your address!! I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Date of Birth: 2/3/1983
Height: 5'6"
Education: College/Entrepreneur
Occupation before prison: Caretaker
Earliest Release Date: 9/29/2023
Maximum Release Date: 3/11/2027
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service? securustech.net
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Dare to lead, Reading, Exercising, Yoga
Anything Else?
I'm very energetic and love to laugh # Bubbles
****E-messaging from securustech.net

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